AmigaActive (371/2143)

From:Conor Kerr
Date:4 May 2000 at 23:53:19
Subject:Re: Basic or C


I agree entirely with your sentiments. Well, all except the "I'll never be
a programmer" one. I really do think that the new Amiga will enable
tinkerers to program wee things for themselves and others once more.

> I had great fun, like you, in being able to get more out of my Amiga,
> and AMOS allowed me to do it. I tried Blitz later, but couldn't get
> into it, and languages like C left me cold, all this arcane talk of
> structures, ROM kernal manuals, source code etc, and no real
> instructions to allow someone like me to get to grips with it....

C is a nice language and intuition was a very nice way to go about things
however the Amiga was a BAD computer as far as learning how to program
system-compliant code was concerned.

There remains to this day very little in the way of documentation for
programming the Amiga. Lists of API functions are indeed available and as a
professional programmer they are what I like to have but if any beginners
out there are trying to advance beyond opening windows and simple screens
there's a lot of wasted time to be had trying to find out how to advance.
Just look at any of the Amiga C mailing lists! :(

> Talk of AMOS now, and you get slated.

Only by people who don't appreciate the need for an extremely simple-to-use,
user-friendly, powerful programming language that allows the easy creation
of nice multimedia-based applications. Yes, most Amos programs on Aminet
are keek, with a language like Amos that can only be expected as most
tinkerers don't really care about what other people think of what they
develop. Those that do though do great things, even if that's only writing
a small program to aid a friend of family member in some way.

All the best...


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